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mini refugee?

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What You Can Do

Want to donate money to help refugees? Take a look at these websites: Dutch Council for RefugeesInternational Rescue Committee (IRC), International Committee of the Red Cross or The UN Refugee Agency UNHCR.

About us

Power of Art House is an artistic think tank and creative collective of designers, socio-cultural entrepreneurs, producers and other creative thinkers, that commits creative interventions and campaigns to bring socio-cultural themes into the spotlight. Our interventions and campaigns combat apathy and indifference in a creative way. Our (street) art is a weapon of choice in demobilising complex and politicised issues in order to make them accessible to a wider audience, with an arty-wink.

We get lots of requests from people asking if they can support Power of Art House or our project ‘Moving People’. To support our projects financially, you are free to make a donation on IBAN: NL16 TRIO 0198 1016 86 (BIC code: TRIONL2U). Or to take a look at our webshop: Power of Art Shop or in the Locals Goods Store in De Hallen, Amsterdam.

When you are interested in buying our Moving People miniatures, please contact us a: info@powerofarthouse.nl


Power of Art House is an independent foundation and a public welfare institution. This means that we don’t have to pay taxes on inheritances or donations. When you make a donation, your money is used for 100% to support our work. More information about us or our creative concepts? Feel free to contact us at: info@powerofarthouse.nlor take a look at www.power-of-art.nl