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Moving People is sponsored by:

Dutch Council for Refugees, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts (AFK) & Fonds 1818

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Many thanks to all the people and organizations who contributed to the process and participated in realising Moving People:

Ardy Heijnekamp
ASKV Refugee Support
Chris de Bode
De Mallenmaker
Eduard Nazarski
Frank Broos
Humanity House
Jeroen Teitler
Judith van Heems & Machteld Van Barchjansen

Kerk in Actie, Geesje Werkman
Letje Dekker en Sandra van Duijl, namens VluchtelingenWerk Noordwestholland
Marjan Sax, Ellen Santen, We Are Here
Pantar Amsterdam
Paul Helsloot
Raphael Lewkowitz
Studio SAZZA
Tineke Ceelen
Valérie Schuit
voordekunst & all our crowfundingdonors

And off course Alex, Arjuman, Helen, Jihin, Inas, Halat, Istahil, Idris, Lin & Remy and Bahram: all participating refugees who shared their moving story with us!